Delta Junction - | blog by Dejan Glavnik s kolesom okoli sveta

Delta Junction

Po 165 km sem prispel v Delto, dopoldan me je malo močil dež, popoldan pa sem imel veliko vetra in malo sončka pri 15 storinjah. Pot me je vodila skozi North Pole, kraj kjer je vse povezano z dedkom mrazom (hiše, ulice, napisi...). Vso pot me je spremljala reka Tanana, ki je bila v času Alaskas Gold Rush Era glavni vir dohodka v teh krajih, tukaj pa se združi z reko Yunction, po čemer je kraj tudi dobil ime. Lastnik Buffalo center Drive in (najboljši hamburgerji in sladoled v mestu) mi je ponudil leseno kočo za nočitev in hrano, tako da bom kljub dežju in močnemu vetru prespal na suhem.

There are currently 8 comments

  1. Tresk (translation)
    August 16, 2006 @ 20:30 | Reply

    After 165 km I arrived in Delta, In the morning it was raining but after there was a lot of wind and little sun at 15 degrees celius. The road took me thru North Pole, where everything is connected with Santa (houses, streets, signs...). Along the road I was accompanied by the river Tanana, which was main source of income during Alaskas Gold Rush Era ... The owner of Buffalo center Drive in (best hamburger and icecream in town) offered me a wooden cottage for sleepower and food. Despite the bad weather I will sleep in a comfortable and dry place.

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