Kingman, Arizona - | blog by Dejan Glavnik s kolesom okoli sveta

Kingman, Arizona

Komaj sem pobegnil iz norega Las Vegas-a!

Kar je prevec, je pa prevec!

Drugi dan v Vegasu sem spoznal edino slovenko (Polona) v hostlu in skupaj sma jo mahnila v svet zabave in blisca.
Ogledala sva si vse najvecje casinoje na Strip-u in nazadnje pristala v majhnem klubu, ki sva ga zapustila sele ob svitu.
Casino-ji imajo le eno dobro stran. To je hrana in pijaca, ki je celo cenejsa kot doma v slo.

Pot sem nadaljeval do mesta Handerson, kjer sem prespal pri Richard-u, ki je najvecji zbiralec avtomobilskih tablic na svetu in jih ima preko 3000 in o njih in o popotovanjih po svetu ravno pise 1000 strani dolgo knjigo.

Danes pa sem prisel v mesto Kingman, ki je poznano po znameniti cesti ROUTE 66 in muzeju te znane ceste.

Jutri pa kilometri ROUTE 66 na zahod in zvecer HALLOWEEN party, ki je sigurno edini praznik v USA, ko se lahko americani obnasajo in maskirajo "normalno"!

Soncen pozdrav iz Arizone!

There are currently 15 comments

  1. Timber Borcherding
    November 1, 2006 @ 00:21 | Reply

    I met Dejan in San Francisco during the U.S. Blue Angels jet exhibition at Aquadic Park. When he said he was riding a bike around the world, my eyes fell out of my head in awe.

    He said he was headed for Death Valley, and there he is in his picture! He made it. He travels about 100 miles a day, he said. Amazing.

    Dejan should know that the New Orleans, Louisiana area was devastated by a hurricane. Check USA Today newspaper to see the map distribution of cold weather or warm weather places in the U.S.

    Highway 66 is a famous, historic highway in the U.S. It has been mostly replaced with newer highways. It is a "heartland" highway that is sung about in the pop tune "Route 66". The lyrics of this tune go "Get your kicks, on Route 66", sung by Nat King Cole.

    Another highway sung about by Bob Dylan is "Highway 51" which runs North and South. Somewhere near Mississipi he will run into Highway 51. As he moves southward, he may run into cotton fields, pine forests, and "shotgun shacks".

    I do not read his language. I wish that I could understand his written words. For English speakers out there: This man is touring the world. He recently bicycled from the Northern tip of Alaska to San Francisco to San Luis Obispo, then to Death Valley and now he is in Arizona. He is on a 5 year journey around the world.

    He is one amazing person.

    Timber Borcherding

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