Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, S.A. - | blog by Dejan Glavnik s kolesom okoli sveta

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, S.A.

Bienvenidos a la ciudad mas austral del mundo.

Welcome to the southernmost city in the world. bilo pisalo na tabli, ko sem prispel na konec sveta, na konec najdalše ceste na svetu, ceste Pan - Americana, ki me je spremljala iz vrha alaske, do najjužnejše točke argentine in kot prvi slovenec prevozil to dolgo in naporno pot.

Zato bi se danes rad zahvalil dobrim ljudem sveta, ki so mi na poti kakorkoli pomagali!

Dear World Friends,

After 21 and half months and 53.117 hot, cold, windy, hilly, beautiful kilometers
I arrived in Ushuaia - Tiera del Fuego, Argentina at the End of the world after my bikeride
" Europa, Alaska - Tiera del Fuego" (north, central and south america).

My dream, biking around the world is going well.
I finished the Pan - American highway. It was a wonderful time even with all
the conditions I had to suffer on my trip. But the support I got from you
guys was just great.

I want to thank you for your support.

If it was just a short chat on the street, a bit of advice, helping me, spending
some hours or days together, feeding me, giving me shelter or drinking
some beer or wine with me. It was this "meeting you" on my way which made
this trip a wonderful and unforgetable experience.

Now it´s time to go on.
Oceania, Asia and Africa are in front of me.

My website, will still
be online.

Great to meet you and - who knows - it would be great to see you again

All the best my Friends!


p.s. nos vemos en Nueva Zelanda!!!

video :

There are currently 16 comments

  1. bole
    February 12, 2008 @ 18:50 | Reply

    Vsaka čast:)

  2. BREDA
    February 12, 2008 @ 20:25 | Reply

    Pozdravljen Dejan!

    Kot prvo prav lep pozdav iz še zimsko razpoloženega Celja. Z veseljem prebiram tvoje strani in vse čestitke za korajžno odločitev, ki ti prinaša dobro naložbo za dni pred tabo.
    Prav zavzeto sem prečekirala vse o Argentini, ker se naslednje dni odpravljama z možen tja čez.

    Vse dobro se naprej, se javim z svojimi vtisi.

  3. Luka
    February 12, 2008 @ 21:18 | Reply

    Bravo, Dejan. Kapo dol! Ti želim vse najboljše v naslednjih mesecih!

  4. victoria
    February 14, 2008 @ 03:04 | Reply

    All the best to you my dear friend,
    the road is long, keep your eyes on the way
    (and your pepperspry right where you can quickly find it!)

  5. Pete
    February 16, 2008 @ 06:19 | Reply

    Well done!

    I have some photos from Bolivia you might like (including you pretending to be a llama), but I don't have them with me, so you'll have to wait until I get home!

    Good luck with your onward travels,
    Pete (from the Salar de Uyuni trip, now in Bangkok)

  6. medi
    February 16, 2008 @ 07:07 | Reply

    Kapo dol,čestitamo.

  7. Dani
    February 16, 2008 @ 14:10 | Reply


    zame si že junak -SLOVENSKI-EVROPSKI...takšnih je malo.
    Naj te spremlja zdravje. Srečno naprej !

  8. silvester
    February 16, 2008 @ 17:59 | Reply


    Stari,sem brez besed!Edino kar lahko rečem BRAVO.Našel sem te čisto slučajno,ker se zanimam za kolesarstvo ,pa moj prijatelj Juvanc(morda ga poznaš)je ravno take vrste tič kot ti,zato malo brskam po podobnih zapisih.Res KAPO DOL,pa veliko sreče in lepega vremena še vnaprej.Res hud model si.

  9. stane
    February 17, 2008 @ 20:38 | Reply

    Zdravo Dejan!Naš ambasador,le tako srečno naprej,spremljamo te.lp

  10. meri
    February 18, 2008 @ 13:27 | Reply

    koncno so dobili tudi tvoji prijatelji po svetu prevod v anglescini..seveda vse cestitke za tvojo pot
    srecno se naprej

  11. miss. Space
    February 22, 2008 @ 01:40 | Reply

    Love You!!!

  12. Kramy
    February 23, 2008 @ 10:37 | Reply

    Hoj popotnik!
    Javi se kaj, ko prideš do elektrike. Kakšen je filing, ko prideš na konec sveta? ... The world is mine! Dej pošlji kako skupno fotko iz Lime, če jo imaš za moj arhiv!

  13. gogo
    February 28, 2008 @ 21:08 | Reply

    Bravo mali zdej pa topli kraji.Kmalu pozdravi kenguruje.LP od Glažarjev

  14. Radek
    March 1, 2008 @ 12:15 | Reply

    Hej globetrotter! Pa ti je ratalo:), čeprav verjamem, da bi ostal tam na jugu še nekaj let, pa je treba naprej. Srečno naprej v deželi Kiwijev!

  15. natalija
    March 1, 2008 @ 13:35 | Reply

    Le tako naprej.Še malo pa bo 2 leti od kar si šel!!
    Kako gre hitro in kmalu boš spet doma!Ha-ha
    Lep pozdrav!

  16. Pustolovec Rajd
    March 1, 2008 @ 21:18 | Reply

    Bravo Dejan!

    Spremljamo te tudi advenđer rejserji na , kjer zbiramo največje pustolovske akcije. Tvoj podvig je eden od največjih in pravih...
    samo tako naprej...

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